
a helping hand

Automated technology to help alone relatives that are in danger of falling over

Picture of two people hugging


million people

over 65 suffer a fall that can cause serious injury.


people in the UK

every minute, six people over 65 suffer a fall.


every hour

Every hour, an older person dies as the result of a hip fracture.

The project

At Cyber-Duck we are passionate about UX for good. Tackling real life challenges and providing digital solutions to make a differance.

Our CEO, Danny Bluestone cared for his neighbour, Jim. Who like so many people required extra help and assistance to help maintain their independance and way of life.

We decided to utilise some great tech and exceptional user experience design to produce a conceptual solution for such a wide reaching problem in our society.

To find out more about our R&D projects, visit our website

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A 'UX for Good' concept by

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